Re: How Do I get WM Decorations and Pixmaps to work [gtk1-perl]?

muppet writes:
a file like Gtk::reference can be generated from the gtk2-perl source, 
but again, it will lack the helpful explanations that appear in the 
gtk+ API reference.  we are very reluctant to write full documentation 
because of the duplication of effort that would be involved.

I've been thinking that "devhelp" needs a feature like some of the
VisualStudio .NET has: Radio buttons that flip the example code back
and forth between C# and VisualBasic.

Some modification to that which reads the devhelp files and knows a
bit about how Gtk2 is built and can do the back-and-forth between them
seems like a tractable problem.

It just hasn't filtered up enough on my priorities list to do the
research to figure out how tractable yet. Alas, my day job is Windows
and embedded code, so my other GUI stuff happens when I've got free


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