Re: How Do I get WM Decorations and Pixmaps to work [gtk1-perl]?

personally i found Gtk::reference lacking --- it was only good if you
already knew the C function to use and just needed to find the name of
the perl method.  it includes no actual text explaining the functions,
and as such has extremely limited usefulness.  that said, it was rather
helpful to have for searching.

I'm not a very experienced programmer, I've tried C once and later, that
experience made perl programming a piece of cake , when I found GTK-perl I
was amazed on how easy I could write a GUI for my apps; I found the GTK-perl
tutorial along with the Gtk::reference and Gtk::objects a great learning,
and the reference/objects man-pages themselves are still very useful.

however, let me reiterate a standing invitation and call for help: we
need documentation and documenters.  this includes anyone who is
willing to attempt to figure out how to autogenerate API reference
documentation for the perl bindings.

Let's see whenever I'll be able to help the project with this task ;)

Mauricio Silveira.

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