Re: ComboBox signals

On Thursday, November 13, 2003, at 05:09 AM, David Sword wrote:

I have a combobox in my application which is set to $editable(FALSE), as I only want users to select an item from the drop down list. The action
of selecting then uses a callback to load data from the database!

you're using the wrong widget.

you want a GtkOptionMenu.

(in Gtk2 1.011, do perldoc Gtk2::OptionMenu)

you can create the menu with ItemFactory, or by hand if you don't need accelerators. here's the type of code i use rather often:

        @options = (
                { label => 'One', func => \&do_one },
                { label => 'Two', func => \&do_two },
                { label => 'Red', func => \&do_red },
                { label => 'blue', func => \&do_blue },

        $option = Gtk2::OptionMenu->new;
        $menu = Gtk2::Menu->new;
        foreach (@options) {
                my $item = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ($_->{label});
                $item->signal_connect (activate => $_->{callback});
                $menu->append ($item);
        $option->set_menu ($menu);
        $option->set_history ($index_of_current_selection);

there are, of course, millions of ways to do that --- use a single callback and pass an identifier to it, watch for the selected index while building the list, etc etc etc.


GtkComboBox is broken and slated for replacement in 2.4.0, with GtkCombo, whose non-editable form looks like a GtkOptionMenu. it is rather a bit easier to use and more flexible, too.

using read-only comboboxen for multiple choice is a holdoves from Win32's broken ui. don't fall for it. the option menu is a button that pops up a menu of available choices; it doesn't look editable, so you know that you have a finite number of options from which to choose.

"that's it! you're a genius!" "yes. that's what i think. do you think i deserve a raise?"
        - dialogue from 'Godzilla versus Mothra', 1964

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