Re: editable cells in GtkListView

On 14 Feb 2003 17:30:10 +0100
Guillaume Cottenceau <gc mandrakesoft com> wrote:

tom roth <tom tomroth de> writes:

with the help of misc-examples/ i was able to produce a Listview.
Now i would like to make some of the cells editable.
Is there any codefragments, docu or tutorial ?

usually it's nice to try to follow c code examples or api doc.

that requires a knowledges of c syntax that i do not comand.
I am at a loss translating the c code documentation to perl syntax.

why? we try to follow th c api quite closely, it should be ok..
what's your problem exactly, do you have examples?

i think my problem is, that i am more of a dummie than you might assume.
And i think i need to read more documentation before i should bother you with concrete and probably stupid 
my sources of documentation so far is the misc-examples folder (most usefull to me),
gtk+-2.0.9/docs/reference/gtk/html/  and gtk-demo where i found the editable cell example.

Now what is my problem exactly ?

for example, i guess that here in the c code example some of the editable cell magic happens:

add_items (void)
  Item foo;

  g_return_if_fail (articles != NULL);

  foo.number = 3;
  foo.product = g_strdup ("bottles of coke");
  foo.editable = TRUE;
  g_array_append_vals (articles, &foo, 1);

now my problem is: what is this foo.editable business exactly ? I know very little about c.
so my wild guess is, foo is  a hash (?) and a pointer of that hash then is appended to an array ???  
If i could have this example code (Tree View/Editable Cells of the gtk-demo example)
in perl syntax, things would be way easier for me. If i could read the c code easily, i would probably write 
my code in c.


Anyway this is what i have so far

# define a model
    my $model = Gtk2::ListStore->new(Gtk2::GType->INT, Gtk2::GType->STRING, Gtk2::GType->STRING, 
Gtk2::GType->STRING, Gtk2::GType->STRING, Gtk2::GType->STRING,);

# define an iterator
     my $iter = Gtk2::TreeIter->new;

# fill the model with data
     my $i = 1;
 foreach my $name ( keys %names ) {
         $model->set($iter, [0 => $i++, 1 => "$name", 2 => $names{$name}{start}, 3 => $names{$name}{end}, 4 
=> $names{$name}{ogg_comment}, 5  => $names{$name}{ogg_artist} ]);

# here i build some parent widgets

# now build the treeview widget
        $widgets->{'treeview1'} = new Gtk2::TreeView;
                my $cell = Gtk2::CellRendererText->new;
                my $column = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes("No", $cell, 'text' => 0);
                my $column1 = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes("Name", $cell, 'text' => 1);
                my $column2 = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes("Start", $cell, 'text' => 2);

i am guessing the new_with_attributes is where it is happening, but what is the ciorrect syntax ?

Thanks a lot


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