James Curbo <james teyandei net> writes:
The last I knew, Wolfgang was going take them over and upload them into unstable. Someone else had filed an ITP as well I noticed, the name escapes me at this time.
I filed the ITP and the packages are waiting for ftpmaster approval since 2003-11-20. Marc -- $_=')(hBCdzVnS})3..0}_$;//::niam/s~=)]3[))_$(rellac(=_$({pam(esrever })e$.)4/3* )e$(htgnel+23(rhc,"u"(kcapnu ,""nioj ;|_- |/+9-0z-aZ-A|rt~=e$;_$=e${pam tnirp{y V2ajFGabus} yV2ajFGa&{gwmclBHIbus}gwmclBHI&{yVGa09mbbus}yVGa09mb&{hBCdzVnSbus'; s/\n//g;s/bus/\nbus/g;eval scalar reverse # <mailto:marc marcbrockschmidt de>
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