Re: What's a boxed type? (was Re: binding how-to)

On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 06:33  PM, Joe Smith wrote:

muppet wrote:
...(Some crazy stuff ;-) ...


So, Glib provides the abstract class which Gdk/Gtk uses to wrap things like X or OS structures so the (wrapped) structs can be used by methods designed to operate on GObjects.

not quite --- it is indeed for use with other people's structures, but it doesn't wrap them *in* anything, and you can't use GBoxed types wherever GObjects are expected. there is no actual GBoxed structure, the type id is separate from the structure. for example, SV is part of perl, but GType.xs (part of the Glib module) defines a boxed wrapper for SVs so they can be used as GtkTreeModel column types. (i thought of using some C code to explain, but it was too big to be useful.)

GObject comes into play by using GValues, which use GBoxed wrappers to pass C structures around.

for a prime example, a GtkTreeModel stores its data in columns with specific types. in some instances, the correct thing to do is copy the value in the column. the treemodel code looks at the type id, and sees that it's a derivative of G_TYPE_BOXED; then it knows it can copy the value with g_boxed_copy (typeid, pointer).

Then, on top of that, Gtk2-Perl provides a Perl wrapper, which may be a simple SV wrapper around a C pointer, or an interface to/from a Perl hash or array.


Is that close?

<dumbledore> yes... and no... </dumbledore>

What's the purpose (for Glib now) in providing a generic 'GBoxed' class over a GObject with the struct attached as user data?

if i understand correctly, you're asking why we use something other than the GObject wrapping mechanism for perl interface to GBoxed derivatives.

well... fundamentally, boxed types are not GObjects, so why use the same wrapper functions to make it look like they are? as for using a GObject-based wrapper (to implement the vtable-capable wrapper, rather than to be the binding), the BoxedWrapper is lighter and simpler.

this whole thing is actually rather simple. i fear i've made it far too complicated in the explanation.

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