Re: volunteers needed for gtk2-perl documentation

Matthew Weier OPhinney said:
A brief example, followed by the methods available, for *each* class
would be tremendously helpful. Particularly helpful, too, would be
documentation when the gtk2-perl method takes different arguments or
different numbers of arguments than the C API.
the Gtk2::api man page has the 'rules' for translating the c docs to their
perl counterparts, they're pretty straightforward. it also has a section that
outlines things that differ substantially from the c api and usually the
reason. (which is probably not 100% complete)

that's not to say that full api documentation (with examples) isn't a good
thing. we just preferred to put time & effort into the wrappers themselves
over duplicating the C documentation that applied (with translation.)

in a related note to this documentation thread, take a look at this
introduction to gui programming with Gtk2-Perl. most anyone subscribed to this
list would find it remedial, but its intended audience is programmers who have
never written a gui app, or at least not one with Gtk2(-Perl). i've tried to
lay out several of the things that i wish i had read somewhere when i started
witting stuff that used Gtk((2)-Perl). suggestions/corrections of any nature
welcome. (event those that say it's stupid and should be deleted) don't worry
about spelling and/or gramatical errors as i don't know no english so i've
lined up a friend who does to look over it, after a spell check of course.
this IS NOT its final resting place so keep that in mind, if it turns out ok
then it will probably be on also the content is
liable to change at any point as i put more time into it.


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