Re: gtk2-perl debs from CVS

incidentally, i noticed that Gtk2 0.92 also made its way to CPAN this weekend.

On Monday, August 4, 2003, at 01:20  AM, James Curbo wrote:

Gnome2                  libgnome2-perl                  0.28

0.30 (minor bugfixes and text changes over 0.28) came out on the 25th of july.

(Are GnomePrint2 and GtkSpell not ready for prime time?

GtkSpell hit 1.00 a couple of months ago --- it's a very simple module, so it has nothing to be broken by the changes since then.

GnomePrint2 doesn't have any actual xs files in it, i.e., no actual meat. it's a module looking for a maintainer...

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