Re: [gtk2-perl] new Inline 0.44 release

On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 12:14:52PM +0100, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
Goran Thyni <goran kirra net> writes:
Should we stay 0.43 compatible or 
just hack away on what 0.44 gives us?
If BUILD_NOISY allows to show the compilation lines, I'm very
much in favor of this, because I needed to write a script to
"find" and "cat" all the "out.make" in the _Inline tree, to not
do it by hand each time... a bit of nonsense.

Yes is does,
it's a big improvment for debugging

Also, while we're on the inline topic, I'd like to light the
following problems:

- it's slow when starting up, we need to use several different
  "use" to load up all the stuff, and I suppose having many
  different .so enlarges the memory footprint of the app; this is
  maybe solvable in Inline?

My idea is to make a hack to build a single .so-file
and to load that from Since we have all
Inline dependencies in Gtk2/ it should
hopefully be doable without to much work.

Pseudo plan (surely does not work, but something like this):
1. Compile all with NOCLEAN (to keep the .o-files around)
  # rm -fr _Inline
  # perl NOCLEAN
2. link a shared objects
  # mkdir -p blib/arch/auto/Gtk2
  # gcc -shared -g -o blib/arch/auto/Gtk2/Gtk2.o `find _Inline/build/Gtk2 -name *.o`
  # touch blib/arch/auto/Gtk2/
3. copy all *.pm and kill
  # mkdir -p blib/lib/Gtk2 
  # cp -r Gtk2 blib/lib
  # find blib/lib -name src | xargs rm -fr
  # > blib/lib/Gtk2/
4. Add bootstrap to
  # echo 'bootstrap Gtk2 $VERSION' >> blib/lib/Gtk2/
Then we should try to hack this process into a Makefile.PL and/or Makefile
If I get something like this to work I will check in a build script.


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