seg fault when compiling latest CVS

I just checked out the latest gtk2-perl from cvs
and I get this error.

$ perl Makefile.PL

Starting "make install" Stage
Files found in blib/arch: installing files in blib/lib into architecture
dependent library tree
  Finished "make install" Stage

  Starting Cleaning Up Stage
  Finished Cleaning Up Stage

Finished Build Compile Stage

- DONE version 1.3
Compiling Gtk2/ Starting Build Prepocess Stage
Finished Build Prepocess Stage

Starting Build Parse Stage
Finished Build Parse Stage

Starting Build Glue 1 Stage
Finished Build Glue 1 Stage

Starting Build Glue 2 Stage
Finished Build Glue 2 Stage

Starting Build Glue 3 Stage
Finished Build Glue 3 Stage

Starting Build Compile Stage
  Starting "perl Makefile.PL" Stage
Segmentation fault

I have RH 7.3, gtk 2.0.6 and perl 5.8.0 and gcc 2.96.

anybody with the same problems ?



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