Re: clist question

On Friday 11 May 2001 15:06, Liviu BURCUSEL wrote:
| > my $ctxt="";
| > my $cidx=0;
| > while (!$ctxt) {
| >     $ctxt=$clist->get_text($cidx,0);
| >     defined($ctxt) ne "" ? $cidx++ : last;
| > }
| > print "We have $cidx items in \$clist\n";
| That works too but is very slow on large lists. $clist->rows(); is nore 
| suitable.
| -- 
| Suma inteligentei de pe planeta este constanta,
| insa populatia se afla in continua crestere.

So, I answer on it:

   Hello, Liviu!

Yes, but I said: untested. ;o) Of course, $clist->rows() is more
suitable, but principle is same -- that, just what he (questioner) need yet.

The goal of Computer Science is to build something that will last at
least until we've finished building it.

[ Fetched at: Fri May 11 18:05:44 EET 2001 ]

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