Re: clist question

On Thursday 10 May 2001 21:44, Ken Huisman wrote:
| Hi everyone,
| is there a way to get the total number of rows of data
| in your clist?
| another question: when do the "add" and "remove" signals
| (gtkcontainer) get triggered on a clist?
| thanks.
| Ken

So, I answer on it:

   Hello, Ken!
Something like this (untested):

my $ctxt="";
my $cidx=0;
while (!$ctxt) {
        defined($ctxt) ne "" ? $cidx++ : last;
print "We have $cidx items in \$clist\n";

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[ Fetched at: Fri May 11 10:02:20 EET 2001 ]

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