Re: Bug in Gtk::HTML::Simple ? Navigating witnin an HTML page ?
- From: Jörn Reder <joern netcologne de>
- To: Max Lawson chiphy unige ch
- To: gtk-perl-list gnome org
- Subject: Re: Bug in Gtk::HTML::Simple ? Navigating witnin an HTML page ?
- Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 21:24:43 CEST
Latevi Max LAWSON DAKU wrote:
I would like to display in HTML format data which are generated
on the fly.
I also have another question: how do I proceed in order to navigate,
using links, within a displayed page ? Since I'm working on pages
generated on the fly, I would like to avoid writing the page contents
into a file, (or even several files in order to navigate successfully
within the page's paragraphs) .
I think Gtk::HTML::Simple is too simple for this job... ;)
I wrote a class for doing more complex things around the Gtk::HTML
widget. Its embed in a somewhat bigger environment, but I downsized it
to a simpler version which shows the concept.
I attached a few small files, which demonstrate the module: The module itself guess what ;)
test.gif an example image
The code is small and straightforward so hopefully readable without the
hundreds of missing comments ;)
sub i($){print$_[0]}*j=*ENV;sub w($){sleep$_[0]}sub _($){i"$p$c > ",w
1,$_=$_[0],tr;i-za-h,;a-hi-z ;,i$_,w 1,i"\n"}$|=1;$f='HO';($c=$j{PWD}
)=~s/$j{$f."ME"}/~/;$p="$j{USER}\ $j{HOSTNAME}:";_"kl",$c='~',_"zu,".
"-zn,*",_"#,epg,lw,gwc,mfmkcbm,cvsvwev,uiqt,kwvbmvb?",i"$p$c > ";w 99
# $Id:,v 1.8 2001/08/12 15:00:48 joern Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2001 Joern Reder, All Rights Reserved
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package HTMLSurface;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Gtk::HTML;
use FileHandle;
use Data::Dumper;
sub widget { my $s = shift; $s->{widget}
= shift if @_; $s->{widget} }
sub handle { my $s = shift; $s->{handle}
= shift if @_; $s->{handle} }
sub image_pool { my $s = shift; $s->{image_pool}
= shift if @_; $s->{image_pool} }
sub image_dir { my $s = shift; $s->{image_dir}
= shift if @_; $s->{image_dir} }
sub url_in_focus { my $s = shift; $s->{url_in_focus}
= shift if @_; $s->{url_in_focus} }
sub button_press_callback { my $s = shift; $s->{button_press_callback}
= shift if @_; $s->{button_press_callback} }
sub new {
my $type = shift;
my %par = @_;
my ($image_dir, $button_press_callback) =
my $widget;
eval {
$widget = new Gtk::HTML;
confess ($@) if $@;
my $self = bless {
widget => $widget,
image_dir => $image_dir,
button_press_callback => $button_press_callback,
handle => undef,
image_pool => {},
}, $type;
$widget->signal_connect (
sub { $self->cb_url_requested (@_)
} );
$widget->signal_connect (
sub { $self->cb_on_url (@_)
} );
$widget->signal_connect (
return $self;
#-- callbacks --------------------------------------------------------
sub cb_url_requested {
my $self = shift;
my ($widget, $url, $handle) = @_;
my $image_dir = $self->image_dir;
my $filename = "$image_dir/$url";
my $fh = new FileHandle;
if ( $url =~ m!^pool://(.*)! ) {
# internal image pool request
$widget->write ($handle, $self->image_pool->{$1});
$widget->end ($handle,'ok');
} elsif ( open ($fh, $filename) ) {
# external file request
while (<$fh>) {
$widget->write ($handle, $_);
close $fh;
$widget->end ($handle,'ok');
} else {
# error reading file
warn ("can't read $filename");
$widget->end ($handle,'error');
sub cb_on_url {
my $self = shift;
my ($widget, $url) = @_;
$self->url_in_focus ( $url );
#-- methods to add html code -----------------------------------------
sub begin {
my $self = shift;
$self->image_pool ({});
$self->write ('<html><body bgcolor="#d5d5d5">');
sub end {
my $self = shift;
$self->write ('</body></html>');
$self->widget->end ($self->handle, 'ok');
sub write {
my $self = shift;
local $_;
for (@_) { $self->widget->write ($self->handle, $_) if length($_) }
sub fixed {
shift->write ('<font face="Courier">'.$_[0].'</font>');
sub fixed_start {
shift->write ('<font face="Courier">');
sub fixed_end {
shift->write ('</font>');
sub bold {
shift->write ('<b>'.$_[0].'</b>');
sub bold_start {
shift->write ('<b>');
sub bold_end {
shift->write ('</b>');
sub color {
shift->write ('<font color="'.$_[0].'">'.$_[1].'</font>');
sub color_start {
shift->write ('<font color="'.$_[0].'">');
sub color_end {
shift->write ('</font>');
sub pre {
shift->write ('<pre><font face="Courier">'.$_[0].'</font></pre>');
sub pre_start {
shift->write ('<pre><font face="Courier">');
sub pre_end {
shift->write ('</font></pre>');
sub p {
shift->write ('<p>');
sub br {
shift->write ('<br>');
sub hr {
shift->write ('<hr width="100%">');
sub image {
my $self = shift;
my %par = @_;
my ($pool, $name) = @par{'pool','name'};
if ( $pool ) {
$self->write ('<a href="pool://'.$pool.'"><img border="0" src="pool://'.$pool.'"></a>');
} else {
$self->write ('<a href="'.$name.'"><img border="0" src="'.$name.'"></a>');
use strict;
use Gtk;
use HTMLSurface;
main: {
my $win = Gtk::Window->new;
$win->set_title ("HTMLSurface test");
$win->signal_connect ("destroy", sub { Gtk->exit(0) } );
my $sw = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow(undef, undef);
$sw->set_policy('automatic', 'automatic');
my $html;
$html = HTMLSurface->new (
image_dir => ".",
button_press_callback => sub {
my ($widget, $event) = @_;
button_press (
html => $html,
widget => $widget,
event => $event
my $widget = $html->widget;
# this is necessary to initialize the Gtk::HTML widget
$html->write ("huhu");
$html->write ("image from file:<p>");
# add image with a filename reference
# (test.gif is expected in the current directory,
# because we set image_dir => ".")
$html->image ( name => "test.gif" );
# add the same image via a memory reference
# first load the image into memory.
open (IN, "test.gif") or die "can't read test.gif";
my $image = join ('',<IN>);
close IN;
# store the image inside the image pool hash, which
# assigns the image to an arbitrary key value
$html->image_pool->{42} = $image;
$html->write ("the sameimage from memory:<p>");
# call the image method, but now with the pool
# parameter which holds our key
$html->image ( pool => 42 );
# this closes the data stream
sub button_press {
my %par = @_;
my ($widget, $event, $html) =
if ( $html->url_in_focus ) {
print "button click on ".$html->url_in_focus."\n";
} else {
print "button click on surface\n";

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