Re: Bug in Gtk::HTML::Simple ? Navigating witnin an HTML page ?

Hello, Joern !

I thank you a lot for your answer. It perfectly runs (after really 
minor tweakings). I've had a look on the code: really clear and 
contents-rich :)) I've lot to learn; and I will adapt it to my problem.

I've also appreciated your signature, a lot !-))

Thanx again.

Best regards, Max

Departement de chimie physique
Laboratoire de photophysique et photochimie 
des composes de metaux de transition
Universite de Geneve -- Sciences II
30, quai Ernest-Ansermet  
CH-1211 Geneve 4 

Tel: (41) 22/702 6548 ++ Fax: (41) 22/702 6103

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