Problems building GtkHTML and GtkXmHTML

Hello all,

I have successfully built and installed the latest glib-1.2.8  and
I have successfully built and installed the latest Gtk-Perl-0.7004.
Building the additional GtkHTML and GtkXmHTML packages gives me problems.

I get a 'no such file or directory' on gtkhtml.h and gtk-xmhtml. I checked my
entire filesystem, but I indeed haven't got these files. I have no Gnome
stuff installed.
Can anyone clearify where these files come from?

Koos Pol
S.C. Pol                          T: +31 20 3116122
Systems Administrator             F: +31 20 3116200
Compuware Europe B.V.             E: koos_pol nl compuware com
Amsterdam                         PGP public key available

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