Re: [gtk-osx-users] Black screen on ARM based Macs


Thanks. I can confirm that it’s a Retina issue, not an Apple Silicon one. I have the same 1/4 render on my 
Retina monitor on both my Intel Mac Pro and my M1 mini. It looks normal on the non-Retina monitor on both 
Next I tried my 2014 MBP Retina running macOS 11 BigSur. Same problem. Maybe this is your user’s first 
experience with Retina displays? 

I hadn’t really paid attention to until now. I 
think that’s a separate issue from the Monterey absolute value change that screwed up flipping the coordinate 
system. His issue appears similar to yours and he worked around it by removing the scaling 
line, , altogether. I’m 
not sure why that would be necessary for you and him and not for anybody else. That line has been there for 6 
years, having been introduced in Note that the scale 
division in the CTM is countered by scaling the size of the Cairo surface at

John Ralls

On Jun 24, 2022, at 12:01 PM, Miroslav Rajcic <mrajcic hotmail com> wrote:

Hi John,

you can find the installer with new build here:

Thanks for the help.

Best regards,

From: john <jralls ceridwen us>
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2022 7:49 PM
To: Miroslav Rajcic <mrajcic hotmail com>
Cc: gtk-osx-users-list gnome org <gtk-osx-users-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: [gtk-osx-users] Black screen on ARM based Macs

I installed NoteCasePro from your download page to my M1Pro MBP running the Ventura developer beta and it 
looks just like your screenshot. It also has Gtk-3.24.30. Can you give me a link to your Gtk3.24.33 

I think that the reason you can't see the problem is that your 2017 MBA doesn't have a Retina display. I'll 
check it on my MacPro that does have a Retina display in a bit and follow up.

I haven't tried cross-compiling to arm64 from intel yet, but it didn't work at all back in the PPC->Intel 
days so when I was distributing PPC apps I built on the respective machines. Universal builds definitely 
don't work from the command line, I did try that. I can also say that I haven't seen any significant 
behavior differences between running Intel builds with Rosetta2 and native builds on M1s, so I think it's 
unlikely that that's the problem. The Xcode version shouldn't matter either.

John Ralls

On Jun 24, 2022, at 5:45 AM, Miroslav Rajcic <mrajcic hotmail com> wrote:

Thanks John,

I don't have M1 hardware, so I depend on users to help troubleshooting the issue. 

I do my build on Intel hardware (macOS 12.0.1, MacBook Air 2017, XCode 13.2.1), with the following target 
setup_sdk(target="10.9", sdk_version="native", architectures=["x86_64"])
i.e. program is being run on M1 through Rosetta.

The issue was reported against the build using GTK 3.24.30, then I've rebuilt the program to use latest 
but both users reported that the issue was not fixed (screenshots below). They are not developers, so they 
did not try running gtk-demo.

I do have an app log that redirects all GTK logging, but could not find any clue (GTK error/warning) in 
it. The same binary works fine
on Intel hardware, no such issues were reported.
I will re-check to make sure they properly installed the newer build.

Could adding native "arm64" architecture into the setup help with this bug (based on the bug that was 
Do I need to use newer XCode for this?

Best regards,

<Screenshot 2022-06-20 at 18.56.35.png>

<Screenshot 2022-06-17 at 06.18.07.png>

From: john <jralls ceridwen us>
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2022 2:30 AM
To: Miroslav Rajcic <mrajcic hotmail com>
Cc: gtk-osx-users-list gnome org <gtk-osx-users-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: [gtk-osx-users] Black screen on ARM based Macs

On Jun 21, 2022, at 9:50 PM, Miroslav Rajcic via gtk-osx-users-list <gtk-osx-users-list gnome org> wrote:


several users of my program reported the main application screen being partially black on ARM based Macs 
(M1) on macOS Monterey.
Digging online, it seems that this bug has been known:

I've rebuilt latest gtk-osx yesterday (moduleset-stable), but the issue still seems to be here.
What's the status of this issue in gtk-osx?


The fix for issue 4342 is in Gtk+-3.0 since 3.24.31 and modulesets-stable has 3.24.33, so perhaps the 
problem your users have found isn't the same one. 

Is this an Apple Silicon build or an Intel one? What minimum macOS version did you specify? Does the 
problem reproduce in gtk3-demo or is it just your app?

John Ralls

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