Re: [gtk-osx-users] GTK with Quartz backend

On Jan 8, 2021, at 10:32 AM, Valerio Messina via gtk-osx-users-list <gtk-osx-users-list gnome org> wrote:

I'm new on macOS things, so sorry for obvious questions.

I just installed (on Denbian10) the osxcross cross-compiler, then macports and its GTK libs (header and 
I successfully cross-compiled a simple GTK2 app that use Cairo, using dynamic linking.

Then made a bash script that package the binary with its dependencies, and change all to point to 

The GTK2 from macports is generated with Xserver backend, thus require Xquarts on the mac to work.

I cannot find everywhere a prebuild GTK with Quartz backend.
Where can I download a precompiled (plus headers and pc files) GTK (2 and 3) for Quartz?
This save me to cross-build the GTK itself, I think can be really complicate.

First of all, you're on the wrong list. This list isn't a generic Gtk on macOS list, it's for supporting

As far as I know there is no binary distribution of the Gtk2 (or 3 or 4 for that matter) stack for macOS, 
Quartz or X11. It's also not possible to cross-compile for the Quartz backend because that requires a macOS 
SDK, something available only on Mac computers running macOS.

John Ralls

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