Re: [gtk-osx-users] macOS Catalina’s new security features versus GTK.

On Jan 17, 2020, at 2:08 PM, Pascal <p p14 orange fr> wrote:

Hello John,

Le 17 janv. 2020 à 04:42, John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> a écrit :


That's not an application as far as MacOS is concerned. If it even launches it's only because you built it 
yourself; it wouldn't even launch on a different Mac because downloaded bundles aren't allowed to access 
binaries only in the bundle or in the system folders /usr/lib, /usr/bin, and /System/Library/Frameworks.

Did you grant disk access to the bundle or to the external binary? I'd think it would have to be the 
external binary and that the bundle wouldn't actually matter.

I did both without success.

Since you didn't use Gtk-OSX to build the binary nor gtk-mac-bundler to make the bundle, why did you think 
that this is an appropriate mailing list in which to seek support?

Well, I did use GTK-OSX (what made you think not?) but I confess not gtk-mac-bundler as my manual way 
worked so far ;-)
I ask here to know if somebody here faced this issue with their GTK programs on macOS Catalina, what have 
been done then to fix it or get some clues, if someone heard about some Apple help material.
Is it the case?

By the way, during googling I saw many programs (not from the Apple ecosystem) concerned as emacs or gimp, 
it's quite regrettable that there were not more support from Apple to the opensource community.

You didn't mention gtk-osx, only that you'd put the actual program outside of the bundle.

Now-now. Apple supports lots of open-source projects where they see it in their interest: consider llvm, 
lldb, and webkit: All are basically Apple projects.

Catalina won't let you have a bundle that runs a program that's not in the bundle, nor will it allow a 
bundled program to dyld libraries outside of the bundle and not in the system library directories. (You can 
dlopen outside libraries from pre-specified locations if you use the plugins entitlement when code signing 
the bundle, but that's a bit different.)

The simplest path forward is to use gtk-mac-bundler.

John Ralls

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