Re: [gtk-osx-users] Dynamic menu bar menus

Thanks, John, that should work nicely. I wasn't thinking laterally enough: all my existing dynamic menus 
populate themselves on their parent MenuItem's activate signal, which isn't emitted by the OS X menubar. 


On 22/11/2014, at 4:17 AM, John Ralls wrote:

On Nov 20, 2014, at 7:35 PM, Richard Procter <richard n procter gmail com> wrote:

Hi All, 

I'd like to populate a menu bar menu dynamically (e.g. like the "Bookmarks" menu in Firefox). 

AFAICT though that exceeds gtkosx_application capabilities --- just looking for someone to confirm my 

Not a bit. You just need to call gtkosx_application_sync_menubar() after every change so that the change is 
propagated to the Mac's menubar.

John Ralls

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