[Gtk-osx-users] Building PyObjC with Python 2.7 or other options to use the platform version


I've been trying to build PyObjC with Python 2.7 (I suspect that it's this Python version that is causing me my pain). I'm using it to get native file open and close dialogs.  So before pointing to a long build log files I wanted to ask some questions:
  1. Has anyone else tried to build PyObjC against Python 2.7?  I am building my own Python for packaging my app.  Any changes you needed to make?
  2. Would it be safer to build against 2.6?
  3. Is there a way to use the system PyObjC while everything else is in my bundle?  I'm loath to put this in my PYTHONPATH because I'd rather catch other potential errors then get strange interactions between things in the bundle and on the system.
Any other thoughts?

Thanks for the help.

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