Re: How to get a "traditional" file-chooser

On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 2:27 PM, Carsten Mattner
<carstenmattner gmail com> wrote:
On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 1:43 PM, Chris Moller <moller mollerware com> wrote:

My point in my original post was that a toolkit should, above all, be
useful, preferably in as wide a range of uses as possible.  And, by that
measure, GTK2 was a great deal more useful, at least in certain
environments, than GTK3.  Not every app needs the stylistic consistency
offered by a fairly complex CSS paradigm.  The code I write is primarily in
aid of technical visualisation involving cairographics in a drawing area,
OpenGL, and so on, and usually involves a complex UI containing lots and
lots of spinbutton widgets and similar controls.  Screen space is a premium,
a pretty UI is not, and there some things that, so far as I've been able to
discover, you just can't do with the GTK3 CSS mechanism that are trivial to
do under GTK2.

If you fail to bend GTK to your will and Qt also doesn't fit, I think FLTK
is used in the domain you describe. Not sure about Fox but FLTK is
used for applications like that. In case you start looking for alternatives.

I've sent you other options to consider, but if anyone at some point considers
the use of more declarative toolkit, I can recommend spending an afternoon
going through the Red (Rebol descendant) examples. It doesn't target
X11 or Wayland yet, and is in its infancy, but it goes to show how a radically
different language can make building graphical applications a much more
productive experience.

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