Re: How to get a "traditional" file-chooser

Come on. It's troll bait. He comes to a gtk+ list, declaring his
preference upfront to not use gtk3 because the "file chooser is
driving me crazy". In what why is the file chooser driving him crazy?
Unknown - other than it not looking like GTK2 or qt ( unknown version
) file chooser. Just wondering: what apps use a file chooser anyway?
He didn't mention that either. There's gedit and glade ( I'm guessing
he's not using glade ). He does mention that "more and more
applications of my desktop are ( being ) ported to GTK3". I'm again
wondering which applications. If you're on Gnome or Cinnamon or
whatever, you get *all* GTK3 apps, not a mix  Doesn't add up to me.
Anyway, would you like to tease more information out of Clemens
regarding what parts of the file chooser is driving him crazy? In the
meantime, I stand by my recommendation. If someone passionately hates
parts of a gui toolkit, they should use apps written in a different
toolkit. If, on the other hand, they have a serious intention to use
gtk3, then constructive observations / suggestions / feature requests
would have been included, and things like "drive me crazy" and "I
tried to avoid GTK3 applications" would not. Quick comparison ... I
don't use QT apps when I have a choice either ... I prefer GTK apps. I
like GTK's default theme better, and I also develop GTK apps. I like
some consistency on my desktop, so once there's a critical mass of
apps using 1 toolkit, I try to have all apps using that toolkit.
That's personal choice. However, note that I don't rock up to QT
mailing lists declaring "Hey there donkeys ... I've tried really hard
not to use QT because I think the calendar widget looks like arse. How
about you make it more like GTK3?".

On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 9:43 AM, Paul Davis <paul linuxaudiosystems com> wrote:
Now that was surely helpful.

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 6:48 PM, Daniel Kasak <d j kasak dk gmail com>

Of course there is. Use GTK2 or QT apps. I suggest Redhat 5. That shit
is old school.

On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 4:22 AM, Clemens Eisserer <linuxhippy gmail com>

Until recently I tried to avoid GTK3 applications, because the GTK3's
file chooser is driving me crazy.
However, as more and more applications of my desktop environment are
ported to GTK3, I wonder ... is there any way, to get a more
traditional file chooser for GTK3 applications which resembles what
GTK2 or QT offer?

Thank you in advance, Clemens
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