Re: How to get Colors?


On 4 May 2015 at 13:31, Igor Korot <ikorot01 gmail com> wrote:

But then there should be some kind of predefined set of colors for
each specific theme,
which can be retrieved by some function.

No, there isn't.

The style machinery works via CSS selectors; the theme specifies the
appearance of a widget (or a state of a widget) through the CSS
selector syntax. The style tree is then matched to the state of the
GtkStyleContext during the drawing phase. Once that match is done,
each GtkWidget will use the gtk_render_* family of function to draw
itself according to that state.

Widgets do not query colors, images, shadows, or borders; the only
time they do query the style context is during the size negotiation
phase, in which they ask for the size of the box model they should
request, according to the style they match.


[ ] ebassi [ gmail com]

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