Re: Recent gtk+ on DirectFB

В сообщении от 9 апреля 2010 18:01:46 автор Michael Torrie написал:
> On 04/09/2010 08:29 AM, Vasily Khoruzhick wrote:
> > So, no one works on fixing DirectFB backend, am I right?
> Seems to me that DirectFB has fallen out of favor and that many embedded
> projects use the tiny Xephyr X server instead.  I don't see how DirectFB
> has any advantage over X11 in terms of speed or size.  Given this, I'm
> not surprised that GTK DirectFB has been allowed to languish.
> Have you considered Xephyr and the normal X11 GTK?

Well, actually I need gtk+ ontop of DirectFB for two reasons: first board has 
accelerated DirectFB driver (and 128mb of RAM), and second has only 32mb of 
RAM (and no accelerated DirectFB driver)

I'll need to write X graphics driver to get advantage of 2D accelerator for 
first board in case of X usage.

As for second board - 32 mb is definitely not enought for X-based environment 


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