Re: GTK application automated testing [by Jonathan]

2009/1/3 jon 2k <jon2k_65 hotmail com>:
> Hi all,
> My name is Jonathan and I'm working with GTK+.
> I have developped an application un linux Ubuntu and now I want to test my
> application following some test cases.
> I want those tests to be automated.
> For that, I used X11:GUITest which allows me to emulate keyboard, mouse and
> so on using PERL script (That part is OK).
> My testing is for me 50% complete because I can automate some user actions
> but I don't know how to do to check that I'm in the good state in my
> application (the other 50%) which means, that I want to konw if I insert
> insert a probe in my PERL script to know what my application did.
> For example, I push the button "Write" and then I write "Hello World".
> Is the button "Write" has been pressed?
> Is the tesxt "Hello World" has been written?
> Do we have the possibility to take the GTK trace or logs ?
> I hope someone will be able to lighten this questions.
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> With best regards,
> Jonathan
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