Re: GtkTreeView and the cursor

I'm no expert on gtk, in fact I am just starting to use it, but it being open source and supporting inheiritance, couldn't you change the the normal highlight behavoir creating a new tree view widget?


Michael Ekstrand wrote:

On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 18:22 +0200, Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema wrote:
Is this a difficult question?

Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema schreef:
Dear All,

I'm using the GtkTreeView view, and it works fine, however,
I have a little problem.

When selecting a row, the normal behaviour of GtkTreeView is
to select all columns for that row. This is normally not a problem,
but I'm using some colors in the row and the selected rows
hides these colors. Which turns out to be annoying for end users.

Is it possible to select only a few cells in a row when the row
is selected?

I don't know of a way to do it...

- Michael

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