Re: Delay in Displaying Dialog

After the text being sent to the text widget ends and process flow falls back into gtk_main() then all the other widgets within the secondary dialog appear including the first few lines of text which had been missing.

This line leads me to believe that you may not be relinquishing control to
the Gtk mainloop.  When the text comes into the second dialog box, are you
locking up the program until it is all read?

Yes, I'm locking up the program until all the text is read.

I haven't taken the time to test your belief but assuming you're correct (and I'm sure you are) that brings to mind a couple of questions ...

Can there be more than one gtk_main() call in one program? And could that possibly help me?

How does MODAL and gtk_dialog_run() work? Do they both integrate themselves with the GTK main loop "behind the scenes"?

Marshall Lake -- mlake mlake net --

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