Re: Button background colors

2006/6/15, David Nečas (Yeti) <yeti physics muni cz>:
On Wed, Jun 14, 2006 at 07:08:31PM -0700, Anna wrote:
> I use gtk_widget_modify_bg() without trouble.  piece of a function:

It works for people who use a decent Gtk+ theme.  But themes
and theme engines can easily make similar things stop working.
Try just

style "default" {
   bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "someimage"
widget_class "*" style "default"

in your gtkrc.

I am afraid the requirement of particular colors goes
directly against themeability.  One cannot have both.


At first, I agreed with this. Now I know that it's possible to make an
intelligent program that knows witch colors are you using and take
action from it.

80 per cent of themes are almost white for buttons, I like dark ones.
This could be detected by the program and decide:
If you are using bright themes {select this colors.}
else {select the other ones.}
based in contrast between them

Themeability is very important for Gtk, but using colors like scalable
icons (look at these films with the "red button") without having to
bother with complexity gives gtk a lot of power to give it away.

           Jose Hevia

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