Re: Browser on GtkFB

Hi Florian,

Thanks for your response. 

We have been exploring a different path to progress yesterday. We
considered the option of using Nano X ( I would
like to know if GTK (preferably version 2.0 or above) can run on this.
Will I be able to compile and run GTK applications on this? Which is
the recommended browser for this set up? I saw a Dillo patch for GTK2
available. Will that work fine. We need to crunch all of these into
6-7 MB memory.

I saw the Nano GTK port available, but it is GTK version 1.2. Does any
body know if the source for Nano GTK is available?

Thanks in advance,

On 9/5/05, Florian Boor <florian boor kernelconcepts de> wrote:
> Hello,
> Liz Mathew wrote:
> > We are developing a target based on ARM, which has a LCD display and
> > keypad interface. We have GtkFB (used GTK version 2.0.2) running
> > successfully on the target.
> basically using X makes things much easier. Are there hardware limitations not
> even to use a small X server like Kdrive?
> > Can somebody suggest other alternatives? We will be really grateful
> > for any help in this regard.
> I might be worth a try to check out GtkWebCore which offers a very powerful and
> small set of libraries for HTML rendereing. A small demo browser is included as
> well. The only other browser using GtkWebCore i'm aware of is gpe-mini-browser.
> But i guess noone tried to one of these on GtkFB so far...
> Greetings
> Florian
> --
> The dream of yesterday                  Florian Boor
> is the hope of today                    Tel: 0271-771091-14
> and the reality of tomorrow.            Fax: 0271-771091-19
> [Robert Hutchings Goddard, 1904]        florian boor kernelconcepts de
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