Re: why is gtk install so difficult?

On 2003.10.20 21:40 Michael Torrie wrote:

> The problems you are experiencing are not GTK problems per se.  They are
> build environment problems.   So in order to solve this I need to know
> specifics about your build environment.  What distro?  What compiler
> version?  Binutils?  What libraries were installed in binary packages? 
> Which ones did you build from source (glib, pango, atk, pkg-config)? 
> Where did your source-compiled libraries go to (/usr, /usr/local)? 
> Looks to me like there is a conflict between some binary installed
> libraries and your source-compiled ones.  Please answer these
> questions.  In particular I need to know about pkg-config, glib, atk and
> pango.  If you haven't compiled at least glib, atk and pango from
> source, then you cannot compile gtk from source (at least given the
> error message you got).

Dear Micheal, here is the information that you requested:

My distribution was originally Red Hat 6.0, now Red Hat 6.2.

Compiler: egcs-2.91.66
Binutils: (sorry, forgot how to check that!)
ldd: ldd (GNU libc) 2.1.3
pkg-config: 0.15.0
glib: 1.2.10 and 2.2
atk: 1.0.1a
pango: 1.0.1a

The glib 2.2 I compiled from source.

Note that I'm installing GTK 2 along with GTK 1 (the original)
per several "experienced" users' request, because we wanted to
test some of our GTK programs with GTK 2.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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