Re: Compiling gtk error - png ???


Jose Marcio Martins da Cruz <Jose-Marcio Martins ensmp fr> writes:

> Sure. But I configured gtk with 
> 	./configure --enable-static=yes --enable-shared=no 
> This seems to me that it's a valid configure option, and compile
> process should behave as expected. Am I wrong ?

no, but it you intend to use any gdk-pixbuf loaders you need to
include them using the --with-included-loaders configure option.
Since GTK+ needs the PNG loader to build itself, you should include it
or, alternatively, build GTK+ using an external gdk-pixbuf-csource
binary which is able to load PNG files.

> Some applications need version 1.2 of gtk. Some others need 2.xx
> version...

you can have gtk+ 1.2 and gtk+ 2.x installed in the same prefix. They
coexist happily. I don't see your problem.

Salut, Sven

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