Re: Setting up gtk+ 2.0 on win32

> Hi!
> Could someone please help me setup gtk+ on win32.  I have read some
> instruction from previously posted questions of similar nature and have
> tried to follow the instructions on the gtk+ site but I still can't get it
> setup.
> I've done the initial step which is to download the zip files and then
> them to a folder as instructed (i.e. i've got the bin, include etc.
> folders).
> Now, I've read theres three ways of using it, MSVC, cgywin, minGW.
> Could someone please give me step by step instructions on how to set it up
> in all three environments, and give me any files they have used for it to
> work (e.g. files ti instruct where the gtk+ libraries are located).

Here's what i have, and did :

Windows XP
MinGW 3.2
GTK+2.0 (and all it's dependencies)

Now i have 2 folders, one is :
C:\MinGW, and

Install the compiler to : C:\MinGW, and
the GTK+ library and all it's dependencies to :  C:\GTK.

I added C:\GTK\bin to my path along with  C:\MinGW\bin. after doing this
open a new command prompt and make sure
GCC works :
    gcc -v
and GTK using this :
    C:>pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0
If so you should be good to go.
Now the only other 2 "special" things i do are :

#1) I grabbed a bash port, but pkg-config still didn't want to work. So i
grabbed the output from pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0, and
the output from the --libs switch (just dump 'em in a file (I.e. -
pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 > includes.txt)).
Then (i dunno if this is correct but it works just fine for me) i wrote a
makefile and used :
    GTK_INC=***all the junk from the --cflags output***
    GTK_LINK=***all the junk from the --libs output***
then set up the compiler variables (I.e. -  GCC=gcc HELLO_WORLD=hw.c), etc..
Then i use :

hw.exe :
    $(GCC) -o $@ $(GCC_INC) $(HELLO_WORLD) $(GTK_LINK) -mms-bitfields

#2) Second is that switch "-mms-bitfields" , read in a GTK newsgroup about
MinGW offering it, and since i couldn't
get DJGPP to work i tried MinGW, and have had success ever since. Without
that switch though it won't compile\link for me at all...

As i said i tried using a bash port so i could make the Makefile(s) cleaner,
but pkg-config still doesn't work. And MS Command
prompts don't seem to understand the ` character. However using that
makefile, i tried a port of GNU Make, and also Make that
VC++ installed, and it worked just fine in both those versions of "Make".

This is literally all i did after alot of researching, and testing. Hope all
this info helps any who might need another suggestion. ....altf2o....
(P.S. - Here's a screenshot of GTK+2.0 i took about 3-4 days ago running
under Windows XP.

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