gtk+-2.2.1 compilation problem


I am trying to compile gtk+-2.2.1 on HPUX-Ia64 platform.

first I tried to use the dynamic loading to build the program, the gdkpixbuf
failed to generate "gdk-pixbuf.loader" with dynamic loading support.

Then I tried to compile with the following option:

	configure --disable-modules --with-included-loaders=png

But I still get the same thing as before.

Any idea why is this happening??


This this the error that I get:

LOADERS=`echo libpixbufloader-*.la` ; \
if test "x$LOADERS" != 'xlibpixbufloader-*.la' ; then \
          echo "Writing a gdk-pixbuf.loader file to use when running examples before installing gdk-pixbuf."; \
  ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders $LOADERS > ./gdk-pixbuf.loaders ;\
else \
          echo "No dynamic modules found; will use only static modules for uninstalled example programs."; \
  touch gdk-pixbuf.loaders; \
Writing a gdk-pixbuf.loader file to use when running examples before installing gdk-pixbuf.
Cannot load loader /mnt/disc1/ia64/lavasani/gtk+-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/
Cannot load loader /mnt/disc1/ia64/lavasani/gtk+-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/
Cannot load loader /mnt/disc1/ia64/lavasani/gtk+-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/
Cannot load loader /mnt/disc1/ia64/lavasani/gtk+-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/
Cannot load loader /mnt/disc1/ia64/lavasani/gtk+-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/
Cannot load loader /mnt/disc1/ia64/lavasani/gtk+-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/
Cannot load loader /mnt/disc1/ia64/lavasani/gtk+-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/
Cannot load loader /mnt/disc1/ia64/lavasani/gtk+-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/
Cannot load loader /mnt/disc1/ia64/lavasani/gtk+-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/
Cannot load loader /mnt/disc1/ia64/lavasani/gtk+-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/
Cannot load loader /mnt/disc1/ia64/lavasani/gtk+-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/
Cannot load loader /mnt/disc1/ia64/lavasani/gtk+-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/
Cannot load loader /mnt/disc1/ia64/lavasani/gtk+-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/

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