Re: problems with the redraw of widgets and callbacks with long operation time

Oh, I see... well, then I'll have to be patient and wait for my VRML to end loading. 

The main computation time takes place in functions from the CyberVRML97 library. 
It's not my source, and I don't think I want to modify/hack it hehehe :-)

Thanks for all,

Ignacio Nodal

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Pfeiffer" <pfeiffer cs nmsu edu>
To: "Ignacio Nodal" <inodal teleline es>
Cc: <rsteinke w-link net>; <gtk-list gnome org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: problems with the redraw of widgets and callbacks with long operation time

>  > 
>  > before calling my VRML load function, but gtk_events_pending returns 0.
> Not before, during.  You need to find a point in your load function
> that is executed fairly frequently (like once per outer loop iteration
> or something) and look for events there.  What's going on is exactly
> what you're suspecting:  once you get into that loop, it's not looking
> for expose (or any other) events any more, until the function
> returns.  So that's what you need to fix.
> Ignacio Nodal writes:
>  > 
>  > I've tried with:
>  > 
>  >   while (gtk_events_pending())
>  > gtk_main_iteration();

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