Re: Event not passing to Notebook when Label has Eventbox

On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 02:15:38PM +0100, John Cupitt wrote : 
> The fix is to set the state of the eventbox yourself when you switch
> pages. In my app, I have something like this:
>         if( page->ontop ) 
>                 gtk_widget_set_state( GTK_WIDGET( pageview->tab ), 
>                         GTK_STATE_NORMAL );
>         else 
>                 gtk_widget_set_state( GTK_WIDGET( pageview->tab ),
>                         GTK_STATE_ACTIVE );

	Are you doing this in a loop on all pages in a notebook ?
Or do you have set handler if a page gets shown or hidden ?

Because in my application I only know it when to draw page, but I
can't do anything if the user switches away from it.


Markus Fischer,
EMail:         mfischer josefine ben tuwien ac at
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