Problems with notebook and eventbox in labels


I'm using a notebook with dynamically adding pages. The label of
this pages aren't just plain labels but are GtkEventBox's so I
can catch right mouse button and popup a context menu. This works
like a charm.

But when more pages with GtkEventBox'es in labels are present,
say three pages, and I remove the second one, then the first one
is automatically selected and the third one gets the new second

On this new second page when pressing the left mouse button to
select it, it does not work anymore. I can see a dark grey border
around the label text (btw, this is always present since I used
GtkEventBox). When I press inside the border (which is visually
seen the label itself), I cannot select the page. But when I
press left mouse button in the small place between the notebook
page and the GtkEventBox, I can select the page.

Any idea why GtkEventBox does not work here any more ?

I made two screeshots; I should describe it better what I tried
to explain .. thanks !


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