bloquing G_io_channel communication?

I want to have a bloquing communication in my application.
My GUI ask question to a program, and MUST have the response before
on. To connect my GUI and my server, I use a G_IO_Channel.
How can I do to have a bloquing communication ?
I am not sure but G_IO_channel_read is not a bloquing procedure ?

For instance I use  : 
g_io_channel_write (Gaspard_comm_out, bufferw, (strlen
((char*)bufferw)), &taille))
Gaspard_read_message ();

In Gaspard_read_message, I have this
bufferw = g_strnfill (512, ' ');
g_io_channel_read (Gaspard_comm_in, bufferw, 512, &taille);

Florent DEVIN, 33 (0)3 20 43 47 30, Fax (33) (0)3 20 43 65 66 (Fax LIFL)
LIFL, Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de LILLE
USTL, Bureau 326, Batiment M3, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex

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