Re: Pushing text onto the selection buffer (off topic)

    Matthew> Cutting and pasting was always a thorn in my side until I started
    Matthew> using klipper.  It's a KDE app but it runs fine under E+Gnome.
    Matthew> It's a clipboard history that's invoked by Alt+v.  A list of the
    Matthew> last 10 items copied to the clipboard pops up, and you can select
    Matthew> which is pasted.  Excellent tool.

Do you happen to know if this is more modern version of the venerable "xcb"
program which does something similar?  Where can klipper be found?
Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab            Once you fully apprehend the vacuity of a
New Mexico State University       life without struggle, you are equipped
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL             with the basic means of salvation.
Las Cruces, NM  88003                            -- Tennessee Williams

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