Re: [gtk-list] About linking

Takdir CHOWDHURY wrote:

> I need some suggestions. I  am working on a program  which using 
> Object Store database.  

I'm not familiar with Object Store and C++ is not my strong point. I should
be able to answer specific questions about linking, though.

> CC compiler from sun has been used to compile the code. 

Version? And which OS versions do you intend to support?

> Now I want to develop a front-end with GTK+.
> But it seems that GTK+'s code doesn't fit with CC compiler.

No, it's a C code. C++ compiler cannot compile C code in general case,
although I suppose you could patch it up to be C++ friendly. But even if
it compiles with one C++ compiler, that doesn't mean it will compile
with another. The level of standards compliance still varies greatly in
the C++ world. And Sun's C++ compilers are not the world's leaders
in this respect.

> Is it possible to link(statically or dynamically) my front-end compiled in g
> cc or cc(sun)with  the Object Store's code compiled in CC?

Both should be possible. If you link statically and the user uses a theme
which is implemented in the separate shared library, it's likely that any
invocation of GTK+ application will spill out a warning. The theme should
work correctly though, but I wasn't playing much with that, so I cannot
guarantee it.

If you link dynamically and you decide to distribute your own GTK libraries
and include files, compile them with cc. That way users will be able to
use both compilers if they want to compile and link other GTK applications
with your GTK distribution.

If you have any specific questions, let me know.

 .-.   .-.    I don't work for my employer.
(_  \ /  _)

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