Re: Advanced gtk_file_selection widget

Michael Vanecek <mike mjv com> wrote on 07/12/2000 (20:07) :
> and specifically

Some thoughts (after looking at the Screen shot):

1. Don't use abbreviations like: MkDir. Newbies do not understand it and
   it is much clearer when it says Make Directory or Create Directory or

2. The combo widget ought to be a select widget as the users otherwise
   would try to write stuff into it like filenames. A history and
   escpecially a favorite folders could go into the select widget.

3. What is the actions of: Prev vs Up vs Next ?

4. A show hidden (dot-files) toggle button would be nice.

The thing that is most annoy with the current GTK dialog is that the
filename dissappears when you change the folder. That is if you are
saving a file/attachement whatever and one wants to choose the right
folder, the name of the file dissappears and one has to write it up
again. This is very annoying and also very confusing for newbies.

Other than that I liked it :-)

Preben Randhol ---------------- --
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