Re: [gtk-list] Fastest pixel control under GDK


There are lots of ways to do pixel-by-pixel drawing: 

 - Manually use GdkImage (sucks, don't)

 - Draw to an RGB buffer, then use GdkRGB. Problem: you need 
   scan conversion routines to draw lines, circles, etc. 
   libart is a high-quality library for this, libmi which is in 
   the otherwise-broken 'guppi2' CVS module has Xlib-style primitives.
   An enhanced libmi is in GNU plotutils.

 - Use one of the game libraries, such as ClanLib or the one 
   from Loki

 - Use OpenGL with GtkGLArea (probably fastest by far, especially when
   XFree 4.0 comes out). However the game libs may start using it 
   or may already, I'm not sure.
 - If you mostly have structured graphics with only some small 
   raster image components, you might be able to use GnomeCanvas
   with a custom canvas item. This is sort of a variation on the 
   GdkRGB approach since the custom item will draw to GdkRGB.


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