Re: [gtk-list] Re: java language bindings for gtk+

I would imagine the advantage of having non-cross-platform bindings for
GTK+ and GNOME in Java would simply be having the option to use Java, for
those who prefer it over C++ or C, and to be able to write more
sophisticated things using more specific features of GNOME. With the new
egcs developments in a frontend to develop native code from Java sources,
this actually would be a pretty cool thing. Some people really like Java a
lot, as a language, but have never had as much use for the cross-platform
features of it.


On Thu, 27 May 1999, Jacob Christen wrote:

> I fail to see what you're looking for here...
> You want to work on a language binding to a GUI framework but not within that
> language's _multi-platform_standard_ GUI framework?!
> Why reinvent the wheel?
> Or maybe I'm mistaken...
> Non-AWT is a great way to go because who wants all the messy peer business? (take
> a look at pre-swing implementations on a win32 platform and you can get a feel for
> how nasty the whole peer system within AWT is)
> But why forsake swing?  It uses minimal AWT (the only peer I know of is the main
> container, i.e. window, frame, dialog).
> But maybe the whole swing API just isn't palatable to you? (Mind you I am making
> educated guesses/assumptions here.)  So is what you want to do basically yet
> another GUI API for java that happens to utilize GTK?  If so you're _still_ gonna
> have to use at least one peer class of AWT (mentioned above) so it wouldn't really
> be a non-AWT implentation now would it?
> BTW, I'm not intentionally inflamatory here...I'm just completely, well near,
> clueless as to what you are asking for and I am trying to clarify my speculations
> as to what you may be after so that others who may have been clueless like me yet
> in "the know" could possibly help out.
> -- 
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