those motif-styled paned widgets...

Probably this have been said before, but anyway I had to say it:

Does anybody like those motif-styled paned widgets?, and if so, then
could he/she explain why?

Does the gtk_paned_set_handle_size or gtk_paned_set_gutter_size make any

>From a gui design position I THINK is more user friendly that paned
widgets simply were horizontals or verticals bars, and when you pass
with the mouse over them, it turns to an double arrow like:
<--> (the same thing for vertical ones).
I showed some gnome applications to a friend of mine, and at first he
wasn't able to move the paned widgets, because the cursor only changed
when he was over the handle (that little box).
I think it could be not very difficult to change this behavior, and
deprecate the two functions gtk_paned_set_handle_size and
gtk_paned_set_gutter_size. Yes, you break backwards compatibility, and
maybe resource files (.rc), but I think there are very little
applications that modify the handle or gutter size, so it is not a big
lost (in fact, a big win, I think).

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