Re: [gtk-list] GtkEntry is a little annoying...

On Sat, 18 Dec 1999, Antonio Campos wrote:
+ Point of criticism 1: (soft criticism :-))
+ Has anybody noticed that when you're entering text at the end of a
+ GtkEntry, the cursor dissapears, so you can't see where you are typing
+ nor what you are writing until you newly move to the end of the entry?

Yes, and it's very annoying to me. But I'm sure it's a 'known bug' ... Check
the buglist if it suits you, and file an official bug report if it isn't there.
But I'll bet it is.

+ Point of criticism 2:
+ The GtkEntry responds to keys like END, Arrow Keys, Home, Ctrl+Arrow
+ left, ..., but doesn't respond to the Numerical Arrows, etc ... (Yes, I
+ have Num Block disabled. :-)). Is this something related to
+ X (Xmodmap? or something) or to GTK?. Note that KDE entries does respond
+ to Numerical Arrows.

Huh. I hadn't noticed that. Probably also a bug, but I wouldn't be as quick to
bet it's known.

+ Point of criticism 3:
+ In Spain we use the symbols: ñ, Ñ, ü, á, and others. The following is an
+ example of text I can write inside an entry:
+ "La cigüeña está ñoña."
+ Everything OK. Now suppose I have the cursor over the "o" in "ñoña", and
+ I double click to select the word "ñoña" (is a word in spanish :-)).
+ Then only the "o" is selected, because for GtkEntry the strange symbols
+ "ñ"'s doesn't form part of a word. Strange behaviour this is.
+ I know this have something to do with i18n, but I don't exactly know
+ what.

Now this is a Very Good Point. Being an Ugly American, I hadn't noticed. It
isn't surprising at all. What basically must be happening, though I don't know
the implementation details, is that somewhere some code has an array of all the
characters that can be part of a word, and nobody thought to include characters
not commonly used in the US. On behalf of my country, I apologize for our
arrogance. This is (probably) yet another bug that should be reported if it
hasn't been. Looks like you've got some work to do. :)

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