Re: [gtk-list] pbms on freebsd w/ threads

Emmanuel DELOGET wrote:
> Hi, Lords,
> Everything below apply to freebsd boxes (tested on
> 2.2.8, but should apply to 2.2.x and 3.x)
> I have it. Before anything, a fast rewind :
> after a succesfull install of gtk-1.2.2 on my freebsd
> 2.2.8 box, I experienced some problems in some
> configure scripts (such as the one of the gimp 1.0.4,
> imlib 1.9.4, and so on...). These configure script failed
> on the version detection, giving the message "success in
> compil, failed to run.". The problem was not related to
> a bad install, but to some nasty side-effect of a
> 'thread-enable' compilation of gdk.

Thank you very much for this explanation. I'll wait with upgrading
after your tests are done.


Norbert Bladt		 Payphone Management System Software Development
ascom Autelca AG
Worbstrasse 201		 CH-3073 Guemligen, Switzerland VOICE: +41 31 999 6552, FAX: +41 31 999 6575

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