Re: [gtk-list] Gtk-- versus GTK+

   - Gtk-- is oversized,

I don't see how.  It's about as small a wrapper as I can imagine.
   - Gtk-- is only a subset of GTK+

There are probably a few things missing... but when I found one, it
was about a 10 minute job to add it, and another 20 minutes to send
Tero a patch.

   - Gtk-- is not documented( in fact  I can't find documentation for Gtk--)

I read the GTK+ docs and squint hard enough to turn the C code into
C++.  It's a *really* *thin* wrapper, so everything works basically
the same.

	 and, ...
   - and "there is no standard"

When it comes to either GTK+ or Gtk--, I'm not sure what it would mean
to have a standard.  Neither one is written to any pre-existing standard.

   - GTK+ is very stabil

Very true.

   - GTK+ is very powerfull

Very true.

   - GTK+ is the best of all.

Arguably true (it's the best I've looked at, but it was good enough
that once I'd looked at it I quit looking).

   I have not the time to figure out in 1/2 - 1 year that Gtk--
   is not the best choice,

You should think of Gtk-- as just being the C++ language bindings for
Gtk+.  If you want to use Gtk+, and you want to use C++, then Gtk-- is
an excellent way to do it.

   please give me a Tip, and, 
   if possible, 
   a little code

If you'd like, I can send you a Motorola HC11 file downloader I've
written.  Warning:  it's Not Ready For Prime Time.  I'm hoping to
rewrite and release it over the summer, but hopefully it will give you
an idea of what Gtk-- is like.
Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University

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