RE: [gtk-list] Re: GLIB 1.2.2 and GTK+ 1.2.2 Install...

Thx Guys,

I fixed the problem by moving 'glib-config' and 'gtk-config'
to /bin.(For test purposes)

Since it worked I then added /usrlocal/bin to my path.

Thx again helping me figure this one out.

Over and out...

-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Groth []
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 1:46 AM
Subject: [gtk-list] Re: GLIB 1.2.2 and GTK+ 1.2.2 Install...

Steven Hébert wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> I appreciate your answer.
> I'm sorry i couldn't provide more information earlier, if I can give you
> more information regarding my problem would you be willing to help me
> further more?

Please, post your questions to the list. There is a higher probability
that you will get an answer then.

BTW, have you run ldconfig as root after installing glib and before
installing gtk+? Is glib-config in your current path? If you answer yes
to both those questions we need more info, otherwise your problem is
solved. Ie run ldconfig and/or add the path to glib-config to your path
environment variable. 


! Ericsson Infotech AB	    ! ECN: 863 3554                         !
! Johan Groth KS/EIN/T/R    ! Phone: +46 54 19 3554                 !
! Box 1038                  ! Fax:   +46 54 19 3466                 !
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