Re: [gtk-list] key_press_event problems

perhaps you have to put \n inside printed message strings. otherwise they
get tipically buffered and flushed as buffer gets full [or program end].

|Rossetti Davide   INFN - Sezione Roma I - gruppo V, prog. APEmille| 
|                  web    : |
|    """""         E-mail :          |
|    |o o|         phone  : (+39)-6-49914412                       |
|--o00O-O00o--     fax    : (+39)-6-4957697                        |
|                  address: Dipartimento di Fisica (V.E.)          |
|                           Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza"      |
|                           P.le Aldo Moro,5 I - 00185 Roma - Italy|
|             pgp pub. key: finger  |
|                                                                  |
|"Most people think about twice a year.  I got famous by thinking  |
| once a week." - George B. Shaw (see Appendix A)                  |

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