[gtkmm] signal handlers vs. virtual functions

hi gtk-- users, 
I have a mothodological question:  
when is "good" to override X_impl() virtual functions in gtk-- widgets ?  

as I understand it:

1) for main windows C++ classes (as dialog, toplevel)  use
   connect_to_method() to grab signals from plain gtk-- widgets that they
   `contain' as member objects

2) for personalised widget classes, subclassed from stock gtk-- widget
   classes, there are two options available:
	2.1) use connect_to_method(X, this, handle_X_method);
	2.2) override X_impl().

(2.2) can give problems: either it is a do nothing function [is it
true?] or there is 'meat' inside and you have to call the
Super::X_impl() right inside your X_impl() [and you have to
remember/know when to call it before or after your processing]

What are your suggestions ?

I went into this thought writing a simple gtk-- program taking
hello.cc as a guide.

|Rossetti Davide   INFN - Sezione Roma I - gruppo V, prog. APEmille| 
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|"Most people think about twice a year.  I got famous by thinking  |
| once a week." - George B. Shaw (see Appendix A)                  |

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