Re: [gtk-list] gdk shm momory bug on Alpha

On 15 Sep, Conrad Steenberg shouted:
->  To any gtk/gdk devoloper reading this list:
->  I posted an error report on GNOME on Alpha the other day, and got no
->  response, so I tried to track down the problem further.
->  Any gtk-1.1.1 app causes the following error when compiled on an Alpha:
->  ** ERROR **: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)
->    serial 182 error_code 10 request_code 129 minor_code 3
->  This turns out to be a bug in gdk's shared memory handling. Starting the
->  same app with --no-xshm allows it to run, albeit much slower. This was
->  using gtk-1.1.1 built from source. The same error does not occur using an
->  app compiled with gtk+-1.0.x
->  If anyone can help me track this down, it would be much appreciated.

known -0 linux alpha kernel shmem bug - its a kernel bug. not gdk.

->  Conrad
->  Ps. I know 1.1.1 is a devel version, but it has to be tried out by
->  someone... :-)
->  *-----------------------------------------*                                  
->  | Conrad Steenberg                        |                                  
->  | Caltech, Mail Code 220-47               |                                  
->  | Pasadena, CA, 91125                     |                                  
->  | e-mail:          |                                  
->  | Tel: (626) 395-2965 Fax: (626) 449-8676 |                                  
->  *-----------------------------------------*                                  

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